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Books about the town history of Goettingen

A literature selection about G�ttingen's history. Available in bookshops, at the Tourist Information in the old town hall, the branches of the G�ttinger Tageblatt and�if applicable at the Stadtarchiv.
The can also be ordered Online via the�GT-Online-Shop: see below.
We are not responsible for the listed prices.

Image Copyright: Stadtarchiv G�ttiingen - Ernst B�hme

G�ttingen: kleiner F�hrer durch die Stadtgeschichte
Ernst B�hme. - G�ttingen : Publisher G�ttinger Tageblatt, 1999. - Format: DIN A 5, 4farbig, 48 P.: III. -
ISBN 3-924781-33-8. - (ca. 5,00 EUR) G�ttingen: a small Guide to the Town's history
Ernst B�hme. - G�ttingen :�Publisher G�ttinger Tageblatt, 1999. - 48 P.: III. -
ISBN 3-924781-39-7

Image Copyright: Stadtarchiv G�ttingen - Gerd Tamke

G�ttinger Stra�ennamen nach Familien, B�rgern und Personen��(G�ttinger�street names by families, citizens and persons)����

Gerd Tamke. - 2nd exten. Edition - G�ttingen : Stadtarchiv G�ttingen, 1997. - 146 P. - (4,60 EUR)

Image Copyright: Stadtarchiv G�ttingen

"Ins Stammbuch geschrieben"
Student�album from the 18th and 19th century from the collection of the Stadtarchiv G�ttingenMaria Hauff, Hans-Joachim Heerde, Ulrich Rasche (edit.)
G�ttingen : Duehrkohp & Radicke, 2000. - CD-ROM. -
ISBN 3-89744-134-9. - (ca. 15,30 EUR)

Image Copyright: Anita Skiba

G�ttinger Zeitungen�
a press-historical and bibliographical guide with location confirmation

Eckhard S�rig. - G�ttingen : Stadtarchiv G�ttingen, 1985. - 96 P.: III. - (2,30 EUR)

city directories