Old Town Hall in Goettingen
Marketplace G�ttingen

The old town hall was built around 1270 and has been several times extended in the course of the centuries. Often, the building fulfilled several functions. It served councillors and the merchant guild as an assembly place, but was also used as a dance hall, wine cellar, prison, storage and archive. Until1978, it was the seat of the senate and the administration of the city of Göttingen. Changing exhibitions and events take place in the old town hall.
Events Culture Office Göttingen

Well worth seeing are the wall paintings in the hall, by the Hanover history painter Hermann Schaper. A frieze with coat of arms indicate Göttingen's membership in the Hanse. Medieval seeming figures symbolise the functions of the rooms, standing next to the entrance doors. They tell of Göttingen's history and of the virtues like: equity, prudence, piousness, patriotism.

Tourists will find the tourist and information office inside the old town hall. Guided tours start here.
Tourist-Information Göttingen
Altes Rathaus
Markt 9
37073 Göttingen
Tel.: 05 51 - 49 98 00
Fax: 05 51 - 4 99 80 10
Opening times:
April to October:
Mon-Fri 9.30pm - 6pm
Sat 10am - 6pm
Sun and public holidays: 10am - 4pm
November to March:
Mon-Fri 9.30am - 6pm
Sat 10am - 6pm
Tourism in Göttingen
Mail to Tourismusinformation

The 'Alte Dorntze' in the old town hall is available for marriage ceremonies. This prestigious, former conference room combines impressive medieval architecture with Historism adornments.
Please contact the registry office in the New Town Hall, Hiroshimaplatz 1 - 4, adjoining building, ground floor, 37083 Göttingen, Tel.: 0551/400-3101, Fax 0551/400-3100
Email: standesamt@goettingen.de
Opening times:
Mon - Fri 8.30am - 12noon,
Thu 2pm - 5pm